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종목 STEAM CUP 온라인 대회
작품명 [eRc] Automatic Swing
창작자 Y*p Min Shuen
국가 해외
등록ID robotclub_malaysia
춤품일 2018-08-30 20:41
작품설명 Yap Min Shuen enrolled to e@Robotclub robotics course at e@Robotclub Mount Austin, managed by Masterline Technology Enterprise. Today, he used ROBOTIS Dream II Level 1 Kit to make his project named 'Automatic Swing'. Robot characteristics: Min Shuen, who loves to play swing, used to ask his mummy to push the swing for him.He has came out with the idea of automatic swing to reduce his mum’s work load. He maximize one motor to do two jobs, one is to rotate the roundabout, secondly is to push the swing.
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